Match v Glossop The arrangements made to play match at
Glossop for minimum guarantee of £8 was approved.
Reports re Players Secy reported that Mr Maley had informed
McGonagle (Celtic) him that the fee asked for this player
was £5000.
Donnelly (Partick T.) The Chairman reported he had had good
Smith (Rangers) accounts re these two players. Secy was instructed
to enquire if club would be prepared to part
with the latter.
Tunbridge Wells The Secy reported that in his opinion
Players the players. Hill, Sharp & Brennan were of
no use to us. Decided not to negotiate further.
Johnson (Oldham) Mr J Fare gave a good report of this C.F.
Crayston (Bradford) " H Hart gave a fair report of this player
who however was injured 15 minutes after ½ time.
Hemingway (Radcliffe) Mr T. Kelly reported that he did not consider
this player as good as our A team backs.
Hurst (Exeter) Secy reported that he had good reports
of this player who had been selected for an FA XI
Watson (Blyth) Mr W Laine gave a good report of this I.L.
& gave a resume of the letters he had had with
the Blyth Spartans F.C. on the matter.
H Lowe Secy stated that West Ham had enquired
re this player. It was agreed that Mr Gibbins
ask £1250 for his transfer with powers to
accept £1000. Lowe's accrued share to be based
on a benefit of £350.
223 Walton Lane Secy reported that this house had been let
at 25/- per week inclusive of rates. Permission
was given to the Tenant to have electric light
Students Panto Letter read asking for a collection on
Day 21st prox. Agreed to defer matter until Next Meeting
pending enquiry from the L'pool FC as to their ideas