230 Hemingway Mr J McGill gave a good report of this L.B. (Radcliffe) was 19. 5.11 & 11 st. Nelson v Southport Mr T. Kelly & Secy stated that the only player who impressed in this match was Dobson (OL) of Southport. McDermott Mr. S. Morton gave a very poor report (L'pool UBC) of this C.F. but reported very well of Dibbert (CH.) Norris Green & Townson (LB) Florence Institute. Stevens Letters read from M/c U & Charlton Ath FC's that they were not interested. Council of Voluntary Agreed to give the local Council some Aid L'pool &c part used footballs but not to the Bootle branch. Edge Green Colliery Secy reported that the Lancs F.A had Disaster Fund sent £6 worth of tickets to each 1st Divn club & hoped clubs would purchase them. Decided not to do so but to send a donation of £3.3.0. Lift The action of the ground Committee is accepting the tender of Messrs Bragg & Collins of £16.10.0 for covering in the lift was confirmed. Debtors a/cs Secy reported that neither the Oakmere FC or Orwell Wednesday FC had paid any portion of their debts as yet. Leave of absence A Clark was granted leave from a after match on Sat. until Tuesday next. Players on Transfer Lists received from M'bro. Wolves & Notts Forrest Decided to enquire if Wolves were prepared to part with Hartill (CF) & if so fee required. Xmas Boxes It was decided to observe the usual custom regarding Xmas Boxes to Directors & to send Box of Cigars to Pres & V.Ps of Football League. Portsmouth F.C. This club having made enquiries re and outside left it was decided to offer them P Griffiths.