Lancs. F.A. Council 3 142 League Management Commee. 7 L'pool County F.A. 14 122, 159, 165, 224 League Rules, Alterations to 18 Lancs. F.A. Meeting 20 Lancs. Cup 27 31, 172, 177, 202, 212 Lynch (Rochdale) 28 Laine W. 34 98, 166 L'pool Senior Cup 47 188. do Referees Soc'y. 54 57 L. N. E. R. Adverts. 54 L'pool Central Relief Organization 57 Loss of Profits Insurance 61 Lythgoe Memorial Cup 64 137, 209, 266 Photo a/cs Lift & Lavatory See Lift 70 87, 126, 129, 132, 154, 156, 161, 174, 183, 195, 220, 224, 230, 245, 246, L'pool County Comb. v West Lancs. Lgue. 70 73 Liddle (E. Fife) 69 73 Lancs. F. A. Amateur XI 73 L'pool University v F.A. XI 84 Loud Speakers (See Broadcasting) 88 Linfield F.C. 95 106, 109, 251, 272. Lord Mayor's Supper 95. Lowe, H. 110 113, 159, 233, 237, 240 L'pool Heart Hospital 115 Luton Town F.C. 133 136 League of Welldoers 137 Lancs. F.A. Amateur Cup 137 Lacey W. 159 League for the Blind 159 L'pool County Combn. 166 Lax 167 Lift Boy 176 Lift (Insurance & Maintenance of) 177 L. M. S. Advert. Boards 180 Lampard, G. O. 183 212