220 but it was decided to do nothing in matter at present. Lift Agreed that Messrs J & E Hall Ld be granted permission to take a photo of the lift for catalogue purposes. Dog Racing It was decided to support the League Management Committee in their opinion this was a menace to football & that it is a mistake in permitting it on league clubs grounds. Continental Tour Letter read from Wagon-Lits Ld. Copenhagen offering £600 for two matches at Aalborg & Aarhus in May 1933. Agreed that it was too early to make any definite arrangements, but that in any case the guarantee Would have to be much more before it could be entertained. Collection Agreed that permission be granted to the British Legion to make a collection on Sat next for Poppy Day Fund. Wales v England It was decided that Messrs A. Coffey & A R Wade attend this match and that we book 12 seats at 4/ea. T. Fleetwood Secy reported that this employee had taken ill & had been admitted to Hospital. New Directors Room It was decided that the Board inspect the site & plans on Sat before match & matter to be further discussed at Next Meeting. 223 Walton Lane Secy reported that this house would be vacant this week end. Decided to advertise it to let & to get same rent as at present. Corinthians F.C. An application for us to play a match v this Club on Jany 5th was not entertained. 195 Walton Lane It was reported that this house was for sale. Agreed that the Chairman endeavour to negotiate the purchase. Notice of Motion Mr A R Wade gave notice to bring forward at next meeting the question of players for Transfer.