Director to L'pool Mr W. C. Gibbins.
Reports re Players Mr T Kelly gave a very good report of
Walker (St Mirren) this C.H.B.
Walsall Players He also reported favorably of Cunningham
(GK), Allsop (CF) & Coward (OR)
Armes (Chester) And also a fairly good report of this OR.
King & Herd Mr H Hart gave an excellent report of
(Hamilton Acas) the former, but stated he was small and a
similar one of Herd (IL) who was abt. 5.7" or 8".
Taylor (Notts C) Mr J Fare reported that this OR was a
good player at the slightly on slow side.
Edwards (Northwich) Mr T Fleetwood gave a very poor report
of this OR
Tyler (CH) & Sutherland Mr J McGill reported that the former who
Pt Sunlight (OL) was 19 5'8" & 10.7 was a promising CHB.
& the latter did not play being on holiday.
Craven (Grimsby T) Mr J Elliott gave a good report of this
I.R who was abt 23 5.9 & 11st.
Moore (Stanley U) Mr W Laine sent a report stating that this
left back was a good young player.
Players for This question was considered and it was
Transfer agreed that Secy offer P H Griffiths, J H McClure
& S Chedgzoy privately to certain clubs whom
he thought might be interested.
Irish League It was agreed that Messrs The Chairman
v Football Do. & Mr A Coffey attend this match on Sat next.
L Macpherson This player was granted leave of absence
until Friday next owing to death of his mother.
G Hoare An application from this gentleman to act
as a Scout in the South was not entertained.
Gaumont ) Further letter read from this firm.
Picture Corpn) Decided to accept their offer of £100 for
right to take pictures, the amount to be
paid to the club.