
		he was not good enough for us

N.E. Players		Mr W Laine reported favorably of LB (Cockfield)
		Burns (OR) Spennymoor, Turner (LH) Spennymoor
		Decided he continue to watch Burns.

Insurances		It was decided to insure with the Royal
		Insurance Co for the following
		Lift for Electric & Mechanical Breakdown £600 Prem   £2.4.5
						  /accident all Claims
		  do		3rd Party Liability £10.000  £20.000 £4.15.9
		  do		Contract for Maintenance		£13
		Rotary Converter		£30 Group		£4.6.1
		Marconiphone	Damage		£700			£6.0.0

New Gates in		Mr Banks reported that one gate had been
Goodison Park	re-made. Decided to hold payment for these over
		for 3 months in case any further shakes &c in
		timber were found.

Match v Army XI		Sanction was received from Football League
		for this match on Decr 5th.

LMS. Adverts		Application from LMS Rly Co for permission
		to allow boards advertising excursions to our
		away matches, to be carried round ground on
		previous home dates, was granted.

Adverts on Stations	The offer of W Smith & Sons Ld to post 48 bills
		on various stations at a cost of 16/- per week was
		not accepted.

Journey to Sheffield	The arrangements for our journeys to Sheffield
		on Sept 1st & 5th as made by Secy were approved.

Donation 		Agreed to grant the sum of £5 to the
		Helsby Athletic F.C.

Vacancy on Directorate	It was decided to fill the vacancy
		caused by the death of Mr C Hayes by co-option
		and the following names were submitted for
		consideration at next meeting viz Messrs H Corry,
		Geo Evans, H H Barker & W R Williams.