
Vacancy on Directorate	It was decided to leave this matter over
		until next meeting.

Donation		Agreed to give £2.2.0 to Kirkdale F.C. Annual
		Sports Fund.

Lancs. Cup Tie		The Kick off in this match on Wed 28th prox.
v Burnley	was fixed for 5.45 pm.

Records for		Letter read from Messrs James Smith & Sons offering
Marconiphone	to supply 12 records weekly for 10/- per week. It
		was decided however to purchase our own for the

Daily Herald		Letter from this newspaper re admission of the
		unemployed to matches was allowed to lie on the table.

K.O. v Sunderland	Letter read from S'land FC stating that they
		could not agree to Kick off on Sept 10th earlier than 3.15 pm.

Insurance and)		Quotations were received from the Royal Insurance
Maintenance of Lift) Co. Decided that the Chairman interview that Coy.
		on the matter, as also the question of insurance of
		rotary converter for loud speakers.

Bus Services		Letter read from C. T. Rymer asking if we
		would be prepared to run a service from this
		Crosby district, but it was decided not to entertain same.

German Tour		Secy reported that the tour a/cs had been
		passed by the League.

F.A Charity Shield	Letter read from FA that the draw had
		resulted in the match on 12th Oct being played at N'cle.

Advertising Boards	It was agreed to allow advert boards round
		ground same as last season.

Results Board		The proposed alteration to numbering on board
		as suggested by Mr E. A. Morton was approved.

Boy Spectators		Complaint was received that boys were
		getting into ground on match days by crawling
		under turnstiles. Secy was instructed to get the
		Police to prevent same.