171 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel on Tuesday 28th June 1932] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E Green, W. C. Gibbins, J Sharp, H Banks, A R Wade & Dr C. S. Baxter. Minutes The Minutes of Director's meeting held on the 3rd & 17th June & Annual General Meeting held on the 17th June were read & confirmed. Election of Chairman On the proposition of Mr W. C. Gibbins, seconded Vice Chairman by Mr. H. Banks, the Chairman, Vice Chairman & Committees & the Sub Committees were re-elected. The Chairman & Vice Chairman thanked their colleagues for the vote of renewed confidence. Bank Balance The Bank Balance was reported to be £7133.9.0 Football League It was decided to invite the Management Committee Meeting Committee to hold their next meeting at the Imperial Hotel, Llandudno on Thursday 4th Augt. next and to entertain them similar to last year. Mr C. Hayes Letter read from Mr Hayes conveying thanks for the vote of sympathy passed by the members present at the Annual Meeting. The Secy reported that Mr Hayes was now in a very weak state. Ground Repairs The following account were passed for payment viz Tysons (Contractors) Ld Concreting & Drain £463.10.0 C Reid & Sons Iron Fencing £7.14.0 Estimates were received for renewing 8 pairs of gates in Goodison Rd. as follows:- Tyson (Contractors) Ld £104.15.0 Bragg & Collins £112.0.0 J & G. Chappell £140.0.0