169 Staff had performed. It was also pointed out that the success of the A team in winning two of the local trophies was sufficient justification for the running of that team. The Chairman made sympathetic reference to the serious illness which the Secretary had gone through and trusted he may be spared to continue in his service with the Club for many years to come. He also had to regret that Mr. C. Hayes was unable to be present with them as he had been confined to his bed with illness for some weeks past. It was agreed by the whole of the Company present to express their sympathy with him in his illness with the hope that he may have a quick & full restoration to health. Mr. Jas. Russell asked a question about the amount due from Sundry Debtors & the Chairman explained that the debts were all good & that most of them had now been paid. On the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr. A. Coffey the Directors Report, Statement of a/cs & Balance Sheet were unanimously passed. Auditors Report The Auditors Report was read by Mr. H. Bowler prior to the a/cs being discussed. Dividend On the proposition of Mr. E. Green, seconded by Mr. R. Harlston, it was agreed that a dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company for the year ending 7th May 1932. Election of Auditors Mr. A. Lomax proposed & Mr. W. H. Green seconded that Messrs T. Thos. Rogers, Bowler & Co. be re-elected Auditors at a fee of Sixty Guineas & this was carried unanimously.