168 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at Law Association Rooms, Cook St. Liverpool on Friday 17th June 1932] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade, & Dr. C. S. Baxter (Directors) and 64 Shareholders. The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting. Press It was agreed that the members of the Press be admitted. Directors Report, On the motion of the Chairman it was agreed a/cs & Balance Sheet that the Directors Report, Statement of a/cs & Balance Sheet be taken as read. The Chairman in his remarks stated that the figures in the a/cs spoke for themselves and went to show how successful the season had been. We had once again won the Championship of the 1st Divn. of the Football League, and the reasons were twofold. Firstly the interest in the efforts of the Club to secure this & secondly the sound policy of the Board and the acumen they had shown in getting players who gave a sound & attractive exhibition of football, and that is the game which pays. He stated that it was a signal success in reaching the top of the table in Oct. & had not deposed from that position until the end of the Season. He desired, on behalf of the Board to publicly tender their best thanks to the Players, their loyalty to the Club was beyond question & they had given of their best. He also referred to the cordial relationship between the whole of the Staff & the Board & the good work that the