166 Practice Matches These were fixed for Monday Augt. 15th & Sat. Augt. 20th. Training It was agreed to call the players up for Training on Tuesday Aug. 2nd. Broadcasting This question was being considered at Annual Meeting of F. League & our representative was empowered to vote for retaining the ban. Dinner The account for the Dinner on 7th May amounting to £231.10.2 was passed for payment. A team Ground The Ground Committees action in selling the Hut & Fencing at Stopgate Lane to Messrs Maden & McKee for £16 was confirmed. L'pool County Permission was granted for this Combination Combination to hold their Fixture Meeting at Goodison Park and also to entertain the representatives to tea. W. Laine Application was made by this gentleman for an increase of wages, but it was decided to leave same as at present. New Players It was agreed to endeavour to secure the transfer of Stevens (N. Brighton) at a fee up to £500 and that enquiries be made re. Meek (Gateshead). Annual Meeting It was agreed that the propositions at our Annual Meeting on 17th inst. be made by same Directors as last year. League Minutes The Minutes of Football League re. medal for T. White & presents for players were read. Next Meeting Left in hands of Chairman to fix. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman