165 for Interest & Commission. It was decided to obtain terms for other Banks. Holidays The Holidays for Staff as fixed by Mr. Banks & Secy. was approved. Flags It was decided to order two new flags one blue ground with white Letters E. F. C. & the other a Union Jack. Oakmere F. C. Secy. reported that this club had paid £30 on a/c of Rent of £70 and applied for relief from the balance. Decided to inform them that we would be prepared to accept a further payment of £20 & a receipt for £20 as a donation towards their funds to clear the matter. Season Tickets In view of the increased tax it was decided to charge 52/6 for Members, 50/- for Shareholders(new) and 6/- for Shareholders(Self) all including tax for next Season. Exs. re. Dix Secy. stated that the Exs. in correction with this case amounted to £50.6.0 L'pool County F. A. It was decided to grant a donation of £15 to the Benevolent Fund. Ground Repairs Estimates were received from C. Reid & Sons. for ironwork on fence adjoining Practice Ground, amounting to £7.14.0 & from the L'pool Corpn. for £12.6.6 for making new paved gateway to Practice Ground, and orders given to carry same out. English Baseball An application from this Union for use of Union ground at end of June was not granted. Lancashire F. A. & Decided that the Chairman represent the L'pool County F. A. club at the Annual Meeting of the former and Messrs. W. C. Gibbins & Secy. the Annual Meeting of the latter. Gee & Birtley Mr. T. P. McMurrays reports on these two players was read.