162 Transfer Shares The following transfer was approved E. J. & J. S. Cattrall to Peter Cattrall 3 Shares Nos. 1195 to 1197. Accounts & Balance The Secretary presented the accounts for the Sheet year ending 7 inst. and after explanations of the various items had been given it was resolved that (1)The amount due from Sundry Debtors be valued, for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £6537.18.11. (2)A depreciation of 10% be written off all stands, Hoardings & Erections, amounting to £2319.4.0 and that 15% be written off the cost of the Marconiphone, £104.11.4. (3)The amount expended on Clothing, Material & Stores £407.5.9 be written off Income & Expenditure a/c also that the contracts accepted for Lift £572, alterations to Lavatories &c. £255 & Concreting Terraces & Drainage £418 & £45.10.0 be charged to Ground Expenses. (4)The statement of a/cs, Profit & Loss a/c & Balance Sheet be approved. (5)A Dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) on paid up Capital be recommended. Annual Meeting It was proposed & carried that the Annual Meeting be held in the Law Association Rooms, Cook St. Liverpool on Friday 17th June next at 7:30 pm. It was decided that the Auditors of the Coy (1)Take control of Admission to the Annual Meeting & that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance. (2)Despatch notices of the meeting & copy of a/cs to the Shareholders. Bristol Rovers F. C. Letter read from this club stating they had transferred R. Dix to Blackburn Rovers F. C. at a fee of £3280. It was decided to give the amount to be paid to us viz. £420, less expenses incurred by us in the matter to local charities, at same time as our practice matches receipts are paid in Sept. next