159 L'pool County F.A. It was decided to nominate Messrs W. C. Gibbins & TH McIntosh as Vice President & Representative respectively. W. Lacey A request from Shelbourne F.C. for a subscription to this player's benefit was not entertained. Directorate The Secretary announced that there had been no nominations for the Directorate. Holiday Dates Secretary stated that our dates were Xmas Day (as understood by the revised holiday arrangement) New Years Day & Easter Monday. Bovril Ltd. Permission was granted to this firm to sell sweetmeats on the ground for Season 1932-3. Letters of Congratulation Letters & telegrams were read from Clubs & Admirers everywhere. P.N.E. re Griffiths Decided to inform this club that we & Lowe could not part with Lowe but that a definite de- cision re Griffiths would be given next week. Britton Decided not to offer this player any increase on the amount of wage already offered. Players on Transfer List read from Halifax Town F.C. No action taken. League of the Blind Letter read asking permission to collect on the ground. Decided to defer permission until next season. Presents to Players Decided to ask Football League for sanction to makes presents to 12 players of £25 each to celebrate the winning of the Championship. Notice of Motion Mr. A. R. Wade gave notice of motion to propose:- That Griffiths P. H. be put on Transfer. Players to Watch Mr. J Sharp to watch Jennings (Huddersfield). Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel, Tuesday, May 10th at 6 pm. McGourty (Partick) The Chairman was given powers to negotiate this player's transfer up to the sum of £3,500. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman