151 Baynes Fund & the Harry Westwood Fund. Player's on Transfer List received from Tottenham Hotspur & Middlesbro F.C's but no action taken. New Players The Secy was requested to get out a list of inside forwards likely to be obtained & hand same to Chairman, so that enquiries could be made when Directors were at Cup Final. Players to Watch This matter was left in hands of Secy to deal with this week. Players Signed Secy reported that he had re-signed the following players:- Clark, Archer, White, Critchley, Coggins, Thomson, Gee, Dean, Sagar, Stein, Williams, Dunn, Johnson. He reported that Birtley, Cunliffe & Britton had refused the terms offered & it was decided to renew the offer of £6 per week all round to Britton & £3 in Summer & £4.10.0 per week in winter to Birtley. & £4 in Summer & £4.10.0 per week Winter to Cunliffe. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct Chairman