146 to have access to old photographs of the Club & also to copy, as required, pictures from the "Jubilee History", for the improvement of the series of articles at present in the press, regarding the Club. They also desired to take a photograph of the Directors & Players together. Billiard Match A request from the Balliol Masonic Club for a match with a team of Directors & Players was granted, this to take place on Apl. 20th. Everton Red Triangle Donation of £2/2/- (two Guineas) granted to this Lads Club. H. Hart The question of this player's benefit was considered. Decided to apply to the League for permission to pay him £331.10.0, the accrued share up to 3 years service. It was also agreed to remove him from the playing staff & to offer him a position to be hereafter decided at a wage of £4 weekly. Players for Transfer The engagements & salaries of players & for Signing for Season 1932-33 were approved as follows:- Sagar, Coggins, Williams, Cresswell, Bocking, Clark, Gee, Thompson, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Johnson, Stein, White - all at £6 & £8. McClure £6 and £7, Lowe & Britton £6 & £6, Archer £5 & £7, Griffiths £5 & £6 with £8 when 1st team, Macpherson £6 & £6, Common £5 & £6, Holdcroft £4 & £6, Cunliffe, Leyfield & Webster £4 & £4, Chedgzoy £3 & £3, Birtley £2/10/- & £4 Fryer £1/10/- & £3. Jones & Jackson £1 & £2. Turner was al- ready signed. The following players were placed on the Transfer List:- Martin £1500 Rigby £1250. Lloyd, Worrall, Bryan, Reed & Parker, Free. Players on Transfer Letter read from Bradford Park Ave. Decided to enquire the prices of Davies & Geldard. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Morgan & Milne (Dundee v Dundee United)