138 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool on Tuesday, March 29th, 1932] Present.- Mr. E. Green (Chair) & all other Directors with the exception of Mr. W. C. Cuff. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on March 22nd & 25th were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported.- Gate v West Bromwich Albion £3362.17.2 do Bolton Wanderers Res. £87. 3.9 do v Earle (L'pool County F.A. Challenge Final Cup) £84.19.3 do L'pool "A" £39.12.8 Kirkdale F.C. Rent Stopgate Lane £25.0.0 Fleetwood F.C. Guarantee £10.0.0 Bank Balance £8306.2.11 Cr. Cheques were signed for the following. Collector Customs & Excise Tax £583.8.0 West Bromwich Albion F.C. 20% £404.6.8 Football League 1% £27.7.6 L'pool City Police Services £19.1.0 Thos. H. McIntosh Salary £54.3.4 Theo. Kelly Wages &c. £300.0.0 L'pool County F.A. Net Gate £57.6.0. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches.- v West Bromwich Alb.(h) 2-1 (a) 1-1, Chelsea (a) 0-0 v Bolton Wands Res (h) 2-0, v Bury Res (a) 4-1 v Fleetwood (a) 1-4 v Earle 5-0 v L'pool "A" (h) 2-1. The Vice Chairman stated the reason that necessitated McClure traveling to London. The Board approved his action in authorising the Secretary to post up a notice to all players, congrat- ulating them upon their excellent behaviour & performance over a very trying holiday programme.