
Reports re Players	Messrs W. C. Cuff & J. Sharp reported upon
Luton Players	their visit to Luton & interview with club officials.
		Tait (23) £1500, Kingham (23) £1000 had played well. Fraser
		(24) £750 was not good enough & Turner (21) was very good
		but the price, £2000 was too high. The Chairman read a 	
		letter received, quoting £1250 for the last named. The
		Secretary was instructed to write offering £750 for 
		this player. The deputation gave Turner (IR) Crystal Pal an excellent report.

Russell (Strathclyde)	Mr. E. Green gave a good report of this R.H. & it 
		was decided that Mr. Fare be empowered to secure him,
		if satisfactory, up to £300.

McIlwaine (S'ampton)	Mr. C. Hayes was not satisfied with this player, who
		was poor, but Arnold (O.L.) was very good.

Chester & Cardiff	Mr. A. R. Wade gave a poor report of the Cardiff
Players		forwards, Robbins being far from suitable as an O.L. but that 
		Bennett (R.B.) 5'9" 12 st was an excellent player & Hedley
		(O.L.) though small was very good. Mr. Hart gave a similar report.

Leyland (Chorley)	Mr. H. Hart gave a poor report of this C.H.

Ireland v Scotland	Mr. J. Fare reported Weir (Albert Rovers) to be very good,
(Junior International) Dale (Kilwinning Rangers) was 5'9", young & a good shot, &
		Donnelly, Irvine Meadows aged 24, was a big, good player.

Newton (Whitchurch)	Mr. W. Clarkson gave a poor report of this inside forward.

Shuttleworth (Gt. Harwood) Mr. J. McGill reported favorably of this player.

Halliday (Doncaster)	Mr. W. Laine gave a poor report of this I.L.

Lift & Lavatory		Secretary produced plans for this scheme & was
		instructed to write Archd. Leitch & Co. to supply
		alternative estimates.

Newcastle Utd. F.C.	Decided to agree to this club's suggested date
		of March 16th failing which, the match to be played
		between April 23rd & May 7th.

Directors to Trial Match Messrs W. C. Cuff & A. Coffey were deputed to
		attend this match at Huddersfield.

Reading F.C.		Secretary reported this club's offer of £500
		for Martin.