
		Mr. A. Hair reported that he had played poorly.

Baines (York City)	Mr. J. Fare stated that Baines was very promising, but
& Stevens (New Brighton) was unlikely to leave York & that Stevens was useless for
		better class football.

Bussey (Stoke City)	Mr. H. Hart reported that this player had had a good
		1st half but faded out later.

Chapman (Frickley)	Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a bad report of this player who was small.

Benson (Fleetwood)	Mr. W. Clarkson gave a fair report of this L.H.

Host & Suggett (Barrow)	Mr. W. C. Gibbins & Mr. J. Elliott stated that these
		players were not good enough but that Bill (C.F.) & Spencer
		(L.H.) of Tranmere were very good young players.

Thos. H. McIntosh	Mr. W. C. Cuff read correspondence from Mr.
		McIntosh & stated that he had now had his further
		operation, & was as well as could be expected.

Newcastle Untd. F.C.	Letter read from this club, suggesting March 16th
		for postponed League match. Decided to offer them a date
		in April in preference.

Southampton F.C.	Sec'y reported telephone message from this club
		offering McIlwaine (C.H.) in exchange for a good inside forward.

Everton Shield		Letter read requesting use of Goodison Park
		for this final. Decided to offer Monday, March 21st.

Lift & Lavatory		Secy. was instructed to ask Messrs Archd.
		Leitch & Partner for their suggested sketch for consideration.

Record Library		Lists of suggested records were submitted,
		& Secy. was instructed to confer with Dr. Baxter & secure
		the necessary records up to the number of 25.

Mid Shropshire League	Letter read from this body asking for assist-
		ance, but this was not entertained.

Players on Tranfer	Lists were read from Bolton Wanderers,
		Oldham Atheletic & Halifax Town F.C.s but
		no action taken.

Players to Watch	Messrs W. C. Cuff & J. Sharp to watch
		Turner & Fraser (Luton Town) & if satisfied, to
		secure either or both at a maximum fee of £750 each.