
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on
			Tuesday, March 1st, 1932]

		Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors with
		the exception of Messrs Coffey & Sharp & Dr. Baxter,
		who were at Buxton with the players.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on February 23rd,
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Receipts of the following was reported:-
		Gate v Stockport County Res.		£95.8.6
			Bank Balance £6621.3.5 Cr
		Cheques were drawn for the following:-
		Collector Customs & Excise	Tax	£15.17.8
		Theo Kelly		    Wages, etc.	£300.0.0
		Places Hotel, Buxton	    Hotel a/c	£136.19.9

Reports re Matches	Reports were received of the matches:-
		v Sheffield Wed'y 3-1, v Stockport County Res 7-2, v L'pool Cables 1-0

Doctor's & Trainers Reports Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all players
		fit with the exception of Bryan who had started training.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Aston Villa (h) Mch. 5th.
		Sagar, Williams, Cresswell, Clark, Gee, Thomson,
		Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Johnson, Stein. Reserve. Martin.
		v Preston North End Res. (a)
		Coggins, Bocking, Lowe, Britton, McClure, Macpherson,
		Birtley, Webster, White, Rigby, Griffiths. Res. Archer.
		v Whiston, Semi Final L'pool F.A. Challenge Cup at Crosby.
		Left to Mr. Kelly.

Director to Preston	Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Reports re Players	Mr. E. Green reported that this player was 5'7" & well
Frewen (Belfast Celtic) built. He was not too good, being somewhat lacking in bite.

Russell (Strathclyde)	Mr. H. Hart gave a good report of this H. B. but