121 The Chairman gave Fraser a satisfactory report, & stated that he was X 24 years old, & that Luton were prepared to let him go for a fee of £750. They had offered Tait at the same price & Kingham at £1000. Arnold (South'ton) Mr. A. Coffey reported that this O.L. was a fair player, but not good enough for our purpose & that Hartill (C.F.) was good & Phillips (O.R.) very good. Mr. C. Hayes agreed with these conclusions but in addition considered that Barraclough (O.L.) was a very good player. Turner (Blackburn) Mr. E. Green gave this player a 1st class report but stated that he was a weak finisher, & he could not recommend him. Chester (Aston Villa) Mr. J. Fare did not think too highly of this O.L. who was outshone by Hall (O.L.) of Burnley. He considered the the latter an excellent player. 21, 5'6". 10st. Stevens (New Brighton) Messers J. Fare & H. Hart gave Keeley poor reports & Keeley (Chester) & Mr. Hart reported that Stevens was purely a dasher. Frickley Players Mr. W. Clarkson reported that Harvey (G) was poor, Chapman (L.H.) 21. 5'10" 11st was the best half on the field, tackled & fed well, & that Gibson (O.L.) 19. 5'8". 11st 4lbs had good ball control but was slow & might do better elsewhere. Hall (Crawcrook) Mr. W. Laine reported that this player had signed on for Coventry. Special Training Mr. E. Green voiced the opinions of the players about special training & it was decided to send the following 15 players to Buxton immediately after Saturday's games:- Sagar, Cresswell, Williams, Bocking, Clark, Gee, Thomson, McClure, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Johnson, Stein, White, Leyfield. They were to be accompanied by Trainer Cooke & Masseur Cook with Mr. Fare in charge. Messrs Hayes & Wade agreed to supervise the party from Saty. the 20th inst. & Mr. A. Coffey from Thursday, the 25th inst. Players Benefits Secretary was instructed to make applications to the Football League for permission to pay benefits of £650, to Cresswell, Critchley & White.