JANUARY, 1936 POST OFFICE TELEPHONES, INDIA BUILDINGS. WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL, 2. ERRATA The following amendments should be made to the December, 1935, issue of the Liverpool and South-West Lancashire Telephone Directory:- Additions:- Brown Bros, Tlrs, Drprs, 56 Bewsey st.............Warrington 853 Byre Harry, 54B Croxteth rd, 8.....................Wavertree 2941 Cary A. A, Parkhome, Prescot rd...................St. Helens 3472 Hagan H,Turf Acctnt,113 Watson st.................Birkenhead 2860 Nicholas E. & Co. Ltd., Tobacco Fctrs, 199 Breck rd Everton,5..........................Anfield 574 (in place of entry on page 134 wrongly printed as Olas E. & Co. Ltd.) Amendments:- Existing Entry Corrections Biddy John Sons & Co. (Garston) Ltd. Copper Mfrs, Garston, 19...Garston 911 Alter number to Garston 191 Booth John, Junefield Ditchfield rd Widnes 665 Alter number to Widnes 655 Bullen David, Archt, Survyr, Vlr, 15 Tithebarn st, 2...........Bank 323 Alter address to 31 Dale st,2 Byrne Harry,54B Croxteth rd, 8..Wavertree 2941 Alter name to Byre Harry Calculating & Recording Services The, North ho., North John st, 2..Bank 4652 Alter adress and number to Cooper's bldgs Church st, I..Royal 1633 Carey A. A,Parkholme,Prescot rd.st. Helen 3472 Alter name to Cary A. A, Clare A. G,Far Moss rd,23..........Crosby 1183 Alter name to Clark A. G, (see under Clark) Clarkson Bracegirdle J, Oldenburg,Deansgate lane...Fromby 491 Alter number to Formby 456 Evans Rev. G. W, Heathlands Croxteth rd,8..Wavertree 2599 Alter address to Croxteth drive, 17 Gall W. A,Rowanburn av Nth, 18....Garston 1395 Alter adress to Rowanburn,Cooper av N, I8 Gunson Sons & Co. (Liverpool) Ltd, Genl Machts,11 Rumford st, 2..Central 300 Alter name to Gunston Hagin H,Turf Acctnt, 113 Watson st..........Birkenhead 2860 Alter name to Hagan H, Lever Bros. Ltd, Hesketh hall Port Sunlight..Rock Ferry 518 Alter number to Rock Ferry 618 Liverpool Corporation, Donald St. Baths, 5.......Anfield 1925 Alter number to Anfield 1924 Megitt H,30 Tollemache rd......Birkenhead 1636 Alter name to Meggitt H. Nicolene Ltd,1 Bixteth st,3......*Central 3583 Alter address and number to Lloyds Bank bldgs Church st, I..*Royal 6336 Nodden Gerald,59 Prospect vale...Wallasey 3547 Alter name to Nodder Olas E. & Co. Ltd,Nich (appears Alter name to Nicholas E. & Co. Ltd, on page 134 amongst Nicholas) Tobacco Fctrs, 199 Breck rd, 5. Anfield 574 O'Neill Mrs. Maureen, 135 St. George's rd Wallasey...Wallasey 4524 Alter number to Wallasey 4525 Stronachs Ltd,Advtg, 1 Bixteth st, 3................*Central 3583 Alter address and number to Lloyds Bank bldgs Church st, |..*Royal 6336 Walker Malcolm D,Incorp Acctnt, 23.......................Waterloo 204 Alter to Walker Malcolm D,Incorp Acctnt 180 Liverpool rd,23..Waterloo 204 Wallasey Corporation Relieving Officers, Mr. Ogden,77 Annesley rd.......Wallasey 2743 Alter name to Mr. L. Firth Walmsley Canon A,The Rectory.......Crosby 2087 Alter number to Waterloo 456 Wynn-Evans L,Solr,5 Castle st, 2.....Bank 8946 Alter number to *Bank 8612 (29616) wt. /T.D.292 50,000. 1/36 Hw. G.344