
		v Blackpool Res. (h)
		Coggins, Bocking, Lowe, Britton, Macpherson, Archer,
		Griffiths, Dunn, Reed, Martin, Leyfield. Res. Birtley.
		v Liverpool Cables (a)
			Left to Mr. Kelly

Directors to Blackpool	Messrs H. Banks & J. Sharp & Dr. C. S. Baxter.

Reports re Players	Secretary reported that Blackburn were not prepared to
Cunliffe (Blackburn) part with this player at present, but would notify us if & when
		they should decide to do so Mr. J. Fare stated that he was an
		excellent player.

Hanford (Swansea) 	Mr. J. H. Ford gave a poor report to this C.H.

Hull (Crawcrook)	Mr. W. Laine was again impressed with this player.

Notice of Motion	Mr. E. Green withdrew his previous proposal and
		instead, substituted the following:- "Altering Teams"-
		"That a team chosen by the Board shall not be altered
		"except by the authority of the Board. That this authority
		"may be arrived at by a meeting of the Board being
		"called, or by communication with each & every individual
		"member. In such cases, where time or other circumstance
		"precludes the whole of the Board being consulted, then as
		"many members as possible shall be consulted before a
		"decision is made." On being put to the vote after
		discussion, the motion was defeated.

Dix			The Chairman reported the progress of negotiations
		over this player & the probability of an early settlement.

Broadcasting		The Secretary was instructed to arrange for the
		periodical announcement of the 1st team's progress at
		Blackpool, from the loud speakers at Goodison Park.

Bank Overdraft		Mr. W. C. Cuff read over the Bank Charges and their
		several & various Rates since 1913. He offered the suggestion
		put forward by Mr. Hooson Owen, subject to both parties
		confirmation, that; with a minimum of 4½% instead of
		5%, the Rate to be ¼% over Bank Rate upto 6%, & exceeding
		6% - at Bank Rate. Further, that commission on