115 v Prescot Cables (3rd Round L'pool Challenge Cup) h. Left to Mr. Kelly. Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare reported that the Merthyr O. L. was small Wilkie (Merthyr) & not good enough for consideration, but that Hanford & Hanford (Swansea) (C.H.) was a good player, particularly in defence, 23 years of age, 5'10" 11 st. Mr. D. Fulton gave a similar report of the latter. Hall (Crawcrook) Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this F.B. & it was decided to get his signature to a C.L. Form, & endeavour to give him a trial before the season's end. Director to Oldham Mr. C. Hayes. Brine Baths It was agreed that certain of the players be sent to Northwich on Monday, 8th inst., for Brine Baths. Dix (Bristol Rovers) Mr. W. C. Cuff reported & read correspondence between Bristol Rovers F.C. & ourselves regarding this player. Broadcasting Secretary read letter received from Messrs Jas. Smith & Sons re proposed arrangement for loan of records for each match. This met with the Board's approval & was confirmed. Bohemians F.C. Secy read further letter from the club & Mr. W. C. & Continental Tour Cuff reported upon the work of the Tour Sub-Commee. He stated that they recommended that the offer from Zurich should be accepted if suitable terms could be arranged. Grand National It was decided to entertain the Players & Staff at the Grand National as in previous years. Aston Villa Share- Secy. read request from this body for an holders option on 400 seats for the Everton v Villa game on March 5th. Decided to offer them the use of Block G. containing 369 seats. Directors Car Park Secretary was instructed to write Superintendent Hughes, to re-assert the need for the production of the official pass by anyone using Eton St. Car-park. Liverpool Heart Hospital A request from this Hospital for permission to take a collection on the ground was not entertained.