
Reports re Players	Mr. W. C. Cuff reported that Kingham (LB) was not
Luton & Fulham	impressive, Fraser (LH) had worked hard & was worth watching;
Players		Slicer (OL) was poor & Tate moderate in the Luton side, and,
		that of the Fulham players, Hammond was good, Finch
		(OL) good until hurt, & Gibbons (CH) a big, matured
		player was serviceable.
			Mr. A. Coffey reported that there was nothing
		impressive in the Luton side & that Fraser was not
		too good.

Horton (Charlton)	Mr. J. Sharp stated that this O. L. was not nearly
		good enough, but that Keyser (G) was magnificent.
			Mr. C. Hayes said that Watkins (C.F.) was good
		if young enough & had good control. Waterfield &
		Jones (Burnley) had played badly.

Doncaster Players	Mr. J. Fare reported nothing good enough in
		the Doncaster team.

Mather (Crewe)		Mr. J. Elliott stated that this player was
		not strong enough.

Rogers (Chirk)		Mr. T. Fleetwood reported that this O.L. was
		fast, but had no control & was not so good as Leyfield.

Rigby v Summers		Mr. W. Clarkson reported that these players
(Ormskirk G.S.O.B) were not even up to 'A' team standard.

Hall (Crawcrook)	Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this R. B.

Dix (Bristol Rovers)	Mr. W. C. Cuff reported correspondence between
		Bristol Rovers F. Club v ourselves, & it was resolved
		that our offer of £1650 + accrued share of benefit
		be repeated. It was decided to offer the player
		the maximum wage allowed by the Football League.

Continental Tours	A Sub-Committee comprised of Messrs
& Match in Paris W. C. Cuff (Chair), J. Sharp & Dr. C. S. Baxter was
		appointed to deal with this matter.

Matches in Ireland	It was decided not to entertain requests
		from Belfast Celtic F.C. & Dublin Shelbourne F.C.
		for matches in Ireland.