
		owing to the uncertainty of the fixtures in that month.

Panto Day		Decided that, as last year, 50 Immunity Badges
		at 2/6 each be purchased for distribution amongst Directors & staff.

Bank Overdraft		Correspondence between Midland Bank &
		ourselves was read & it was decided that this matter
		be left in the hands of the Chairman.

T. P. Griffiths		Secretary announced the sanction of the
		Football League to pay this player a Benefit of £650.

New Share Certificate	It was agree to issue new script to Wm.
		Randolph Spencer against his indemnity to us for
		loss of original.

Booked Seats		It was decided not to book any further
		stand seats for the L'pool, 30th inst., & Arsenal, Feb. 6th, matches.

Lowe			The question of increasing this player's wages
		was raised, but was deferred until next meeting.
		Secretary to supply a list of wages to all Directors in the mean

Players on Transfer	Letters were read from Hartlepool's United F.C.
		Blackburn Rovers F.C. & York City F.C. but no action taken.

Players to Watch	Mr. W. C. Cuff to watch Dix (Bristol Rovers) and
		if satisfied, to endeavour to secure the player.
			Messrs J. Sharp & C. Hayes to watch	Horton (Charlton)
			Mr.    A. Coffey		do	Luton Players
			Mr.    T. Fleetwood		do	Rogers (Chirk)
			Mr.    J. Elliott		do	Mather (Crewe)
			Mr.    J. Fare			do	Doncaster left-back.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Hotel, on Tuesday next, the 26th
		inst., at 6 p.m.

								Confirmed as Correct

									W. C. Cuff