107 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, on Tuesday, January 19, 1932] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Before commencing the business of the meeting, the Chairman stated that the Board would learn with profound sorrow that their Secretary, Mr. T. H. McIntosh, had contracted an illness of so serious a character as to necess- itate the immediate, but it was hoped temporary, relinquishment of his secretarial duties, and that his entry into a nursing home for the purpose of remedial treatment was immediately essential. On behalf of the Board, the Chairman expressed their deep appreciation of Mr. McIntosh's loyal & devoted service to the Club; the assurance of their abiding concern in his welfare; their sincere wishes for his safe & speedy issue out of his forth- coming ordeal and for his return in due course to a further lengthy & loyal continuation of those services. He impressed upon Mr. McIntosh to allow no question of expense which such remedial treatment would entail to disturb him, or to in the slightest de- gree retard his return to convalescence, assuring him that all such expenses would be gladly de- frayed by the Company. In granting him indef- inite leave of absence, the Board wished Mr. McIntosh "Godspeed"; a stout heart & a safe return to his office & duties of Secretary to the Company. Mr. McIntosh expressed his appreciation of the kindly sentiments & generosity of the Board,