
Rogers (Chirk)		Secy reported having had good accounts
		of this outside left. It was decided to ask him
		to sign forms for us.

Weals (Crewe)		Letter read from the Crewe Alex FC stating that
		they would require a substantial fee for this player.

Donation		Agreed to grant a sum of £1.1.0 to the Railway
		Benevolent Fund.

Band			Letter read from Mr W Wearing that they would
		prefer to play at our matches instead of receiving
		the fees for nothing. Decided to inform them
		that we would endeavour to utilise their services
		during remainder of Season.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfer of Shares was approved:-
		Mary Wright to Lilian Donnison 2 Shares Nos. 2446 & 707

Leave of Absence	W Coggins was granted leave from Sat. night
		next until Tuesday night following.

Continental Tour	Letter read from Bohemians FC Prague offering
		7500 U.S.A. dollars for 5 matches.
			Letter read from Mr Otto Nerz (German FA) asking
		if we were prepared to tour Germany. Decided to
		ask for best offer for 5 matches.

Friendly Match		An application for us to play the Botafogo FC
		of S. America on our ground on May 4th for a
		guarantee of £350 was not entertained.

Players on Transfer	Lists received from Bournemouth & Boscombe
		FC & Carlisle United FC but no action taken.

Use of Ground		Application from the Catholic Schools FA
		for use of ground for Dispatch Shield Final on
		Shrove Tuesday Feby 9, was not granted.

Broadcasting		A tender from Messrs Geo Porter & Co for a room
		to be built to house the Amplifiers &c. adjoining
		the Board Room at a cost of £19.10.0 was