91 Reports re Dix Mr E Green reported that this player had gone (Bristol R) back considerably since he last saw him, but Mr A Coffey thought he would be a good investment at the price we offered. Luton Players Mr J. Fare reported that Kingham (FB) had played a fair game. Fraser (LH) was a good player. Tait (IF) was not satisfactory & Turner (OL) did not play. Taylor (Bristol City) Mr W J Wallace gave a good report of this LB F.A. Cup 3rd Rd Secy reported that we had been drawn against Liverpool at home on 9th Jany and it was decided to book the Stands at the following prices. Bullens Rd & Goodison Rd Stands at 5/- each & the Goal Double Decker at 3/6 each. It was also decided to allot the L'pool F.C. 25 of these & also 30 Compy Tickets in G.D.D. It was also agreed to take 60 Compy tickets in this Stand for our own players & staff & F.A. officials. C.L. Match v Bury Owing to the above Cup tie our match v Bury would have to be postponed. It was agreed to re-arrange with M/c United for that date at M/c instead of on Apl 30th. T P Griffiths Secy reported that Bolton Wdrs were asking if we were now prepared to accept less than £7000, but it was decided to again ask that amount and to accept an amount as near as possible to that. Keeley (Chester) Letter read that the Chester FC were now prepared to accept £1500 for the transfer of this Player, but it was decided not to negotiate at present & not at the figure. G. S. Martin Letter read from Reading FC.if we were prepared to transfer this player at a small fee but it was decided to reply in the negative.