76 Weale (Crewe) Mr J. Fare reported that this player was young, double footed and looked like developing into a tip top winger. Westoby & Bogle Mr W. Clarkson reported that the former (Mossley) was unfit, but that the latter was a good back. Liddle (E. Fife) Mr A. Hair gave a very promising report of this player. Finch (Barnet) Mr H. Ford gave a further good report of this outside left. Ferguson (Crook) Mr W. Laine reported that this player was not up to standard required. Insurance of International An offer by the Caledonian Insurance Co. Players to insure any of our players whilst playing in international matches was not entertained. Xmas Boxes It was decided to give the Staff & Players the usual Xmas box and the Directors a Turkey, 4lb Sausage, 1 Ham & 3 bots Whisky & 50 Box of Cigars each. Port Vale FC Secy reported that this Club had enquired if we were prepared to negotiate for the transfer of Oakes, Marshall & Rowbotham. Decided not to do so. J. Dunn Letter read from Sunderland F.C. asking if we were prepared to transfer this player. Decided to offer him at £4000 with power to accept £3000. Bradford City FC Letter read from this club asking if we were prepared to transfer an inside forward to them at a reasonable price. Decided to reply in the negative. Exeter City FC Letter read asking if we were prepared to transfer a full back. Decided to offer them Common at a fee of £500.