61 Wales v Scotland Letter read from Football League asking if we would release T. P. Griffiths, P. H. Griffiths & B. Williams for this match on 31st inst. Decided to release either or both of the two former subject to the exigencies of our match v N'cle United on same date. Results Board Decided that this matter be left in the hands of a sub committee consisting of Messrs A Coffey, W. C. Gibbins & Secy. Loss of Profits Letter read from the Auditors suggesting Insurance that we might take this up. Decided not to entertain the suggestion. Collection An application from St Dunstans to be allowed to take a collection at one of our matches, was not entertained owing to present state of trade. Broadcasting Estimates received from Pulford Bros for alternate schemes of broadcasting music. Decided to enquire the cost of a demonstration. Match v Army XI It was agreed to fix up a match v an Army XI on a date & on terms to be mutually arranged. Players to watch Mr E Green to watch Robotham (Port Vale) " J Fare do Kelhourhy (Wigan Boro.) " W Laine do Meek (Gateshead)& Little (Spennymoor) Next Meeting At Exchange hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman