57 Result Board Particulars & prices received. Decided to order on from Unit System at a cost of approx £10.8.0. Shareholders Tickets On a complaint from Shareholders Parker & Burke it was agreed to admit them to Paddock through the W. S. turnstile. Rowing Machine Decided to order one of these from Mr J Sharp at a cost of £15 on the recommendation of Mr W C Gibbins & the Trainer. Fixture Sheets Agreed to let the Natl. Publicity Co. publish there free provided they let us have 500 copies. L'pool Central Letter read asking for a donation. Decided to Relief Organisation reply that our available funds for this year had already been disposed of. Charity Theatricals Decided to purchase 40 3/6 tickets for the performance at Royal Court Theatre in aid of the Royal Southern Hospital. L'pool Referees Socy. Secy reported his interview with the Secy of this Society. Decided that no donation could be granted at present. Dispensary for Sick An application for a donation to the funds of Animals this Society was not entertained. Band It was decided that the question of providing amplifiers for broadcasting the band be placed on agenda for next meeting. Players to watch Mr E Green to watch Jones (Burnley) & Wilson (Barrow) C Hayes do Hammond (Fulham) Dr C. S. Baxter do Keeley (Chester) & Wilson (Barrow) Mr J Fare do Boland (Gateshead) Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman