54 2 weeks and that Dyserth was suggested. It was agreed WCC to pay the expenses of Storey & his wife & 2 children for the holiday. Cushions for Seats An application from a Mr H. S. Staveley for permission to hire out cushions was not entertained. L'pool Referees Socy An application was received from this Society for a donation - Secy was asked to make further enquiries. Entertainments Tax Secy reported that the L'pool F.C. were desirous of meeting us re proposed new charges. It was decided to write them stating we had gone fully into the question & had decided to bear the cost of additional tax, but if they considered a meeting would be of any benefit we would be prepared to meet them. Bethesda Vics FC An application for us to play a match on this club's ground was not entertained. Advertising Letter read from L&N E Rly Co offering to post our bills at certain of their stations at 4 per bill, but it was decided not to entertain the proposal. British Legion Agreed to allow this Society to have 4 sandwich boards carried round our ground on Sat. next. Result Board Secy was instructed to get quotations for a board to show ½ & full time results in offices. Band It was decided to place the question of the Band on Agenda for next meeting. Coggins Secy was asked to enquire from the Dr as to a belt & pad for this player. Players to watch Mr E Green to watch Tolland (Ayr United) J Fare do Shepherd (Congleton) Secy do Miller (New Brighton) Next Meeting On Tuesday next 6th Octr. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman