
				[Meeting of Directors held
				at Exchange Hotel Liverpool
				on Tuesday 8th September 1931]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) and all other Directors
			except Mr. A. Coffey.

Minutes			The Minutes of meeting held on the 31st ult.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported viz.
		Gate v Blackburn Rovers Res.	£89.0.0 Tax £1.5.5
		do.  v Birmingham Res.		£79.12.7 "  £0.11.9
		do.  v Shell Mex			£0.1.6
		Sale of Season Tickets			£10.10.0
		Blackpool F.C. Transfer Fee re O'Donnell £600.0.0
		Sunderland F.C.		20%		£214.17.7
			Bank Balance £8826.8.10 Dr.
		Cheque was signed for the following
		J. H. McIntosh			Wages	£330.0.0

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Portsmouth 3-0, Sunderland 3-2, Birmingham Res. 2-2
		& Shell Mex 3-1.

Dr. & Trainer's Report	Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all players
		fit except Williams, Bryan & Coggins.

E. Storey		Secy. reported that the Doctor would not allow
		this employee to be sent away at present. He was
		instructed to get into touch with the Doctor.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v M/c City (h) 12th inst.
		Sagar, Bocking, Cresswell, Clark, Gee, Thomson,
		P. Griffiths, Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein. Res. Britton.
		v M/c City Res. (a).
		Holdcroft, Common, Lowe, McClure, Griffiths, Archer,
		Critchley, Cunliffe, White, Martin, Rigby. Res. Webster.