
Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Portsmouth & Sunderland
		Sagar, Bocking, Cresswell, Clark, Gee, Thomson,
		Griffiths P., Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein. Res. Archer
		White also to travel to Portsmouth & if Dean not fit
		he to play in his place.
		v Birmingham Res.
		Holdcroft, Common, Lowe, McClure, Griffiths T.,
		Macpherson, Critchley, Martin, White, Webster,
		& Rigby. Res. Britton. If White playing in 1st Team
		Martin to play C. F. & Cunliffe I. R.

Directors to Portsmouth	In addition to Messrs Coffey & Hayes. Messrs Sharp
		& Dr. Baxter to travel also.

Reports re Players	Mr. J. Fare reported that this player was
McLuckie (Hamilton) injured after 25 minutes, but during that time had
		shown impressive form, typical Scotch inside forward
		abt. 5.8 & over 11st, 25 yrs of age.

Meek & Turnbull		Mr. J. McGill reported that he was much impressed
Gateshead	with these two players & considered them fit to
		play in better class.

Capt. & Sub Capt.	It was decided to carry on as at
Reserve Team	present.

H. Harts duties		It was decided that in addition to taking
		charge of the team on match days, he would attend
		meetings and give his report of the players and
		then give suggestions as to the team if asked for.

House 221 Walton Lane	After much discussion it was agreed to
		purchase this house up to £650, but to endeavour
		to get it for as much less than that amount
		as possible.

Insurance of Directors	Quotations from 4 Insurance Coys. were put
& Secy.		forward, and it was agreed to accept that of
		the Caledonian Insce. Co. at 30/- per head, less 15%