
Capt. & Sub Capt.	This matter again left over, but H. Hart
Reserve Team	to agree with Directors present re Capt. on Sat. next.

Mr. W. J. Sawyer	Letter read from this ex Director. Decided
		to supply him with a ticket of admission to Box on

Players to Watch	Mr. J. Fare to watch McLuckie Hamilton
			"  J. McGill  do.  Turnbull (L. B.) & Meek (I. F.) of Gateshead
			Secy. to arrange for Rogers. M. B. Baptists to be seen.

Photograph		The photo of Directors was arranged to be taken
		on Monday next.

Gillies R.		It was decided to only let this old member
		have one ticket this year.

Insurance of Directors	It was decided to get quotations for journeys
& Officials	away insurance.

221 Walton Lane		Chairman reported that Mr. Davies was now
		prepared to sell this house. Secy. instructed to
		put matter on agenda for next meeting.

Scotland v Ireland	Letter read from F. League asking if we were
		prepared to release J. Dunn & J. Thomson to play in this
		match on 19th prox. Decided to reply that we could
		not see our way to do so.

Grazing Sheep		An application from Mr. Pendlebury of County
		Rd. to graze a number of sheep on the ground or
		practice ground was not entertained.

Advt. Boards		Letter read from L'pool Daily Post & Echo asking
		permission to take boards round ground as in
		previous seasons. Decided that this would be
		granted providing they were prepared to reciprocate.

Complimentary Tkt.	Decided to grant E. James of Shakespeare Theatre
		2 Tkts. instead of Hippodrome.

Robt. Davies Nursing	Letter of thanks received from the Treasurer
Home		of this Institution.

H. Hart			This official's duties to be defined by the
		Board next week.