List of		Resolved that as soon as the membership list is full that
Members		a copy be written out & hung in Committee Room -
		and Season Ticket holders.
Notice of	Mr. Barclay will move that the resolutions relating to the finances
Motion		of the Club & the signing of Cheques passed on Oct 26 be rescinded
		and that I shall propose a resolution hearing on the future
		management of the finances of the Club.

	Do	Mr. Howarth will propose that we have a Club Dinner.

	Do	Mr. Nisbet will propose a member of Committee to have full
		control of League team.

		Resolved that Mr. Coates assist the Treasurer on Saturday next.

Team	v	Darwen - Jardine, Earp, McLean, Kelso, Holt, Robertson,
		Wyllie, Murray, Latta, Chadwick, Milward & Messrs Howarth
		& Griffiths to go as rep. the Committee.

	v	Macclesfield - Williams, Chadwick, Collins, Kirkwood,
		Jones, Lochhead, Gordon, Pinnel, Maxwell, McMillan, Elliott.

		Signed Nov. 16th 1891
						J. Houlding.
18 Standen Whiteside Linaker was considered for membership of the Club.
39 It was agreed to pay £10.00 to F Geary as a wedding present.
43 It was agreed that the Combination Team should be offered 2 guineas and a gold medal each if they got the championship.
51 Resolved that the silver medals to Everton Team from the previous season should be presented on 24 Oct.
72 Gordon appeared before the Committee and promised to abstain from drink in the future.
74 Call on players “to pay strict and special attention to training … and not to go skating on the ice.”
98 Resolved that a turnstile book be kept.
107 Resolved that 13 medals be purchased @ 24/- from Vaughton’s
112 Fred Geary was asked to look for employment outside a public house