Committee Meeting held Monday June 29th 1891
Present J. Houlding Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Barclay, Wilson, Stockton,
Howarth, Nisbett, Jackson, Williams, Ramsay, Atkinson,
Dr. Baxter & the Secretary.
Minutes of last meetings read & confirmed.
Testimonial Resolved that Mr. Wilson be requested to select a Testimonial
according to his own wishes.
Dressing Rooms Mr. Fry, Architect sent plans & specifications as requested, the
approximate cost of same being £500. Mr. Elliott also submitted
a plan, but it was decided to adjourn to the ground with a view
of considering the same before arriving at any decision.
Return of Resolved that the Secretary notify all the players that they will
Players require to be here not later than August 12th.
Testimonial Resolved that Mr. G. Fleming be presented with a Testimonial
Mr. Fleming to cost not more than £25 in consideration of his services to the Club.
New Members Resolved that the following gentleman be elected members of the Club
when vacancies arise.
Mr. Worthy Yew Tree Road 5th vacancy
" C. J. Coates Rocky Lane 6th "
Signed 13th July 1891 W. E. Barclay