Committee meeting held Monday May 11th 1891

Present		J. Houlding Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Barclay, Clayton, Fleming, Ramsay,
		Howarth, Jackson, Stockton, Williams, Dr. Baxter & the Secretary.

Minutes		of last 2 meetings read & Confirmed.

T. Higgins	Resolved that on consideration of the valuable Services rendered of the Club
		by Mr T. Higgins as Hon. Sec. for some considerable time his membership
		be continued as heretofore. Pro by Mr Fleming & seconded by Mr Jackson. Carried.

New players	Resolved that the action of the selection Committee in engaging
S.Thomson &	S.Thomson of Wolverhampton and R. Kelso of North End
R. Kelso	be confirmed.

		A list of players engaged by the Club was read, with the terms of
		agreements for next Season; all being confirmed the President signed
		the list.

Stanley Hospital Resolved that the gross takings of Charity match on Saturday last
		be handed over to the Stanley Hospital.

F. Geary	Resolved that this player be paid 9/6 for medical attendance
		in Nottingham.

D. Doyle	Resolved that Doyle be paid £9/ according to agreement.

		Signed May 25th 1891			W E Barclay
18 Standen Whiteside Linaker was considered for membership of the Club.
39 It was agreed to pay £10.00 to F Geary as a wedding present.
43 It was agreed that the Combination Team should be offered 2 guineas and a gold medal each if they got the championship.
51 Resolved that the silver medals to Everton Team from the previous season should be presented on 24 Oct.
72 Gordon appeared before the Committee and promised to abstain from drink in the future.
74 Call on players “to pay strict and special attention to training … and not to go skating on the ice.”
98 Resolved that a turnstile book be kept.
107 Resolved that 13 medals be purchased @ 24/- from Vaughton’s
112 Fred Geary was asked to look for employment outside a public house