
			This Company has been formed for the purpose of carrying on a Football and Athletic
		Club in all its branches, and for acquiring the valuable freehold property known as THE
		EVERTON FOOTBALL GROUND, containing about 13,600 square yards of land, and
		also about 9,700 square yards of freehold land adjoining to the North and West, owned by
		Mr. JOHN ORRELL, which it is acknowledged will together make one of the finest Football
		Grounds in the United Kingdom.

			The site is well known to residents and football visitors to Liverpool, and is admitted
		to be a most valuable position for a Football Club to occupy. The enormous number of spectators
		who witness the various matches on the ground testify to this fact. During the season 1890-1 it
		is estimated that over 300,000 spectators assembled to witness the matches played.

			The addition of Mr. ORRELL's Ground will enable the Company to add Cycling and
		Running Tracks, so that the Company's Ground can be used for Athletic Sports all the year round.

			The Vendors, Mr. John Houlding and Mr. John Orrell have agreed to sell their land,
		Mr. Houlding's containing about 13,600 yards, and Mr. Orrell's about 9,700, together 23,300 yards
		at 7/6 per yard = £8,737 10s., and the said John Houlding has agreed to leave £2,700 on mortgage
		of his land at 4 per cent per annum, and the said John Orrell has agreed to leave £2,300 on
		mortgage of his land at 4 per cent per annum.

			The amount of the total purchase money to be provided will therefore only be £3,737 10s.,
		the balance £5,000 remaining upon mortgage, the Mortgagees undertaking to allow this sum to
		stand for at least four years if required, provided the interest be regularly paid.

			The present issue of Share Capital is £4,500, which will leave available a Cash Working
		Capital of £762 10s.

			The Mortgagees are also willing to receive the principal at any time if desired in sums of
		not less than £500 each payment.

			The Company anticipate, if Athletic Sports are patronised in the future, as they have
		been in the past, that they will not only be able to pay interest on the mortgages, viz., - £200 and
		Dividends to Shareholders - but that they will be able to pay off the mortgages at the rate of about
		£800 per annum, and thus at the expiration of six years they will be the possessors of a
		valuable estate of about 23,300 square yards of freehold land entirely unencumbered.

			Members of the Everton Football Club making application in writing on or before the
		30th April, 1892, and who do not desire to take up Shares in the Company, may continue in
		the enjoyment of all privileges of Club Membership (except voting), by payment of their
		subscription as before, without incurring any further pecuniary liability whatever.

			The Company propose that in the event of the Everton Football Club agreeing to amalgamate
		with the Company, on or before the 15th March, 1892, each of the Members of the said Club
		at the date of such amalgamation (in the whole not exceeding 500 Members) shall be entitled
		upon application to have allotted to him one fully paid up share in the Company free
		of charge. Such Shares not to be transferable before the 1st May 1894, without the consent of
		the Directors.

			A Copy of the Memorandum of Association may be seen at the Offices of the Company,
		and of the Company's Solicitor.

			Applications for Shares must be made on the usual printed form, and forwarded to the
		Bankers of the Company, together with the amount payable on application; if no allotment be
		made the deposit will be returned in full, and if the number of Shares allotted be less than
		that applied for, the surplus will be credited to the payment due on allotment.
18 Standen Whiteside Linaker was considered for membership of the Club.
39 It was agreed to pay £10.00 to F Geary as a wedding present.
43 It was agreed that the Combination Team should be offered 2 guineas and a gold medal each if they got the championship.
51 Resolved that the silver medals to Everton Team from the previous season should be presented on 24 Oct.
72 Gordon appeared before the Committee and promised to abstain from drink in the future.
74 Call on players “to pay strict and special attention to training … and not to go skating on the ice.”
98 Resolved that a turnstile book be kept.
107 Resolved that 13 medals be purchased @ 24/- from Vaughton’s
112 Fred Geary was asked to look for employment outside a public house