Committee Meeting held Tuesday April 28th 1891
Present Messrs Wilson (in the chair) Fleming, Coates, Ramsay, Clayton & the
Minutes of three previous meetings read & confirmed.
League Dinner Resolved that the Committee be invited to attend at the Club's expense
and that they have permission (at their joint expense) to invite
Messrs Bailey, Stone, Barker & Paterson.
Players Wages Resolved that we pay all the players their wages for May in advance.
L'pool Cup - Resolved that we present 12 players, who took part in qualifying stages
of L'pool Senior Cup, with silver medals, the selection of same be
left with Mr. Clayton & the Secretary.
Letter from Notts Forest asking for us to support their application for
admission to the League was read, request refused.
Do from A. Smith resigning his membership & Vice Presidency of the Club
& it was resolved that we make him an honourary Vice President.
Lan. League The Secretary was instructed to attend the Annual Meeting
of the Lan League on May 16th & make personal application for
the admission of our Everton Team.
Annual Meeting Resolved that we hold our Annual Meeting on Friday May 15th
Mr. Ramsay & the Secretary to arrange place for same.
League Cup Resolved that we have a Concert & public presentation of the
presentation League Cup & Medals & that Mr. Ramsay & the Secretary carry
out the arrangements with power to guarantee £20 for Room-