Committee Meeting held Monday May 9th 1892

Present		G. Mahon Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Davies, Atkinson, Clayton
		Griffiths,  Leyland, Coates, Currier & the Secretary.

Minutes		of last meeting read & confirmed.

Resignation of	Resolved that all the resignations of members sent in be
members		accepted as also those of Messrs Battersby & Cheshire.

Adv. Committee	Resolved that Messrs Griffiths, Clayton, Leyland & Currier be
		elected as Adv. Committee with power to enter into
		Contracts for adv. inside & outside the hoarding.

Office & Turnstiles Resolved that the arrangements made by the Chairman
		be confirmed viz. £60 to be paid by Mr. Houlding to the
		Club for the same.

Club Colours	Resolved that we register Cambridge Blue Shirts & white
		Knickers as the Club's Colours.

League Meeting	Resolved that Mr. Currier & the Secretary attend in
		Friday next at Sunderland & to have a free hand re
		the selection of clubs.

Lan - Association Resolved that we nominate Mr. Molyneux for no 5
Council		Division as a member of Committee Lan. F. Association
		& that we authorise any letters	etc. to be sent officially
		on his behalf.

Marsden's case	Resolved that the Solicitors letter be handed over to
		the Lan. Committee to be dealt with by them.
18 Standen Whiteside Linaker was considered for membership of the Club.
39 It was agreed to pay £10.00 to F Geary as a wedding present.
43 It was agreed that the Combination Team should be offered 2 guineas and a gold medal each if they got the championship.
51 Resolved that the silver medals to Everton Team from the previous season should be presented on 24 Oct.
72 Gordon appeared before the Committee and promised to abstain from drink in the future.
74 Call on players “to pay strict and special attention to training … and not to go skating on the ice.”
98 Resolved that a turnstile book be kept.
107 Resolved that 13 medals be purchased @ 24/- from Vaughton’s
112 Fred Geary was asked to look for employment outside a public house