		v Huddersfield Res. (h)
		Sagar, Common, W. O'Donnell, Kelly, McClure, Virr,
		Ritchie, Easton, Hewitt, Weldon, Troup. Res. - J. White

		v Bootle Celtic
			left to Staff.

Directors to B'gham	Messrs H. Banks & W. J. Sawyer.

Reports re Players	Mr. E. Green reported that he hardly considered
Briggs (B'gham)	this player up to standard we were looking for.

Bradford (Walsall)	Secy. gave a good report of this player
		and suggested he be seen again.

Boston (W. Brom.)	Mr. McGill gave a good report of this
		player also Dale (CH)

Cape (Carlisle)		Messrs Elliott & Fleetwood gave another
		very good report of this outside right.

Bradshaw (Bury)		Mr. J. Fare reported that this player
		appeared to be quite sound.

Thomson (Dundee)	Mr. J. Bell gave a good report of this

McAllister (St. Johnstone) Mr. J. Weir reported very favorably on
		this player.

Crayston (Barrow)	Mr. W. Laine reported unfavourably on this

Rowley (S'hampton)	The Chairman reported that on enquiry
		he had ascertained that this player was not
		likely to leave his club.

Players on Transfer	Lists read but no action taken.

Rooney			Secy. reported that Wrexham F.C. had made
		enquiries re this player and that after getting in
		touch with as many members of the Board as he
		could we had asked a fee of £500. Mr. Sawyer
		reported that he had seen some of the Wrexham FC
		Directors who had stated they would be prepared
		to offer £250. Decided to accept this amount &
		if player agreed. We would apply to the League to