		to release him for same.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfer of shares was approved
		viz. Phoebe Ray to Robt. Leslie Ray 6 Shares No. 2405 & 536 to 540.

Players on Transfer	Lists of players on transfer by Derby County,
		Hull City, Portsmouth, & St. Mirren FC's read but
		no action taken.

Dean			It was decided to have this player's ankle
		examined & X-rayed by Mr. T. P. McMurray.

Easton			Port Vale FC having asked what fee we would
		required for this player it was decided to ask £1500.

J. Bell			It was decided to engage this ex-player
		as a scout at £2 per week plus actual out of pocket Exs.

Players to watch	Mr. A. Coffey			to watch	Bradford (Walsall)
			Secy.				do		Macpherson (Rangers)
			Mr. J. Fare			do		Bradshaw (Bury)
			"   J. McGill			do		Lynch (Rochdale)
			"   W. Laine			do		Crayston (Barrow)
			"   J. Weir			do		McAllister (St. Johnstone)
			"   J. Bell			do		Thomson (Dundee)
			"   J. Elliott & T. Fleetwood	do		Cape (Carlisle)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6 p.m.

						Confirmed as Correct
							W. C. Cuff