Press Expenses Messrs E. Green & Secy. reported their interview with the L'pool F.C. on this matter. Later Messrs Cartwright & Patterson attended the meeting and stated that their board had decided to deal with the question on two grounds viz. (1) Financial & (2) Social. They had decided that, seeing that the season had now gone two months to continue the present arrangements as to travelling & hotel expenses but with regard to No 2, they would not allow the press to interview players in the Saloon nor to use typewriters. They suggested that at end of Season, the whole matter be again discussed and new arrangements come to. Drs. a/c re Dean Dr. W. J. Roberts a/c for £15.15.0 was passed for payment. Goodfellow Fund It was agreed to allow the L'pool Daily Post to take a collection for this fund at our match on Decr. 14th. T. Robson It was decided to pay this player £1 extra when playing in League team. Players to watch Messrs W. C. Cuff & J. Sharp to watch Miles (Watford) with powers to negotiate for his transfer if satisfied. Mr. E. Green to watch Cann (Torquay) & Bradford (Walsall) " J. Fare do Oliver & Roberts (Rochdale) " W. Laine do Tuten (Consett) Messrs J. Elliott & T. Fleetwood to watch Cape (Carlisle) " A. Coffey & Secy. to watch Griffiths (Port Vale) & if satisfied to negotiate for his transfer on the basis of exchange of Easton or Attwood or both plus £2000. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman