Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Bolton Wdrs. Res. (h) 23rd inst.
		Sagar, Common, W. O'Donnell, Kelly, Rooney, Bryan,
		Ritchie, Easton, Wilkinson, Weldon & Hanson.
		Res Attwood.
		v Blackburn Rovers (a) 26th inst.
		Davies, Cresswell, J. O'Donnell, Robson, Griffith,
		Hart, Critchley, White, Dean, Martin & Stein.
		Res Kennedy.
		v M/c United Res. (h) 26th inst.
			Same as v Bolton Res. except Troup for
		Hanson & Lewis Res.

Arrangements v		Train arrangements cancelled & decided
Blackburn	to travel by Saloon bus.

Reports re Players	Mr. E. Green gave a good report of Wilson (H. B.)
Rangers v Celtic (Celtic) & McPherson (I. L. Rangers), but a moderate
		report of Thomson (Celtic)

Cann (Torquay)		He also reported that he considered this
		half back promising.

Williamson (Kilmarnock)	Mr. W. J. Sawyer gave a very good report
		of this player.

Rowley (S'hampton)	Mr. A. Coffey gave a similar report of
		this player.

McClure (Wallsend)	Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of this half back.

Gt. Harwood v Chorley	" J. Elliott reported that there were no
		players in this match of standard required.
		Heywood (Chorley) had not played.

Wilcock (M/c Central)	Secy. reported that this half back was
		promising, but not ready for C. L. football yet.

Hoylake United		Mr. J. McGill gave good reports of Jones
		(I. L.) & McCall (L. H.) of this club.

Cape (Carlisle)		Mr. W. Laine reported that this was a very
		likely player but he did not get enough of the
		ball to thoroughly test his capabilities.