Director to Oldham Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Reports re Players The Chairman gave a fairly good report Black (Plymouth Arg.) of this player, but stated he was not worth the price they were likely to ask for him. Britton (Bristol Rover) Mr. E. Green reported that whilst this player was good he was rather too lightly built for league football at present. He also reported that Dix (I. L.), Bristol R. Reay (O. R. Bristol R.) & Miles (C. H. Watford) were promising. Jones (Stockport) Messrs W. C. Gibbins & Dr. C. S. Baxter gave Griffiths (Port Vale) a good report of the former, but a poor report of the latter. Finney (Bury) Mr. J. Elliott reported that this player was of no use to us. Halsall (Bootle Celtic) Mr. T. Fleetwood stated that he did not consider this player of standard required. Briggs (B'gham) Mr. J. McGill gave a moderate report of this forward. Cann (Torquay) Mr. W. J. Wallace gave an excellent report of this C. H. B. Clarke (3rd Lanark) Mr. J. Fare reported that this player was not good enough for us at present. Williamson (Kilmarnock) Mr. J. Weir gave a very good report of Ferguson (St. Johnstone) the former & a favorable report of the latter. McClure (Wallsend) Mr. W. Laine gave a very good report Metcalfe (Blyth) of the former & a promising report of the latter. Fielding (Stockport) Secy. again reported that he did not consider this player up to standard required. Use of Ground Agreed to grant use of Goodison Park for the L'pool Hospital Cup Semi Final on Nov. 6th. Lancs. Cup The correspondence regarding our playing weak team v Blackpool was read & Secy.'s reply was approved.