Use of Ground		It was decided to confine the use of the
		ground to 12 applications as from now to end
		of Season, these to be gone into at end of this
		month. Applications from Sectarian or Political
		organisations not to be entertained.

Loss of Scrip		Mr. L. T. Davies gave an indemnity for
		loss of scrip, but it was decided same
		could not be accepted without further enquiries
		being made by this Shareholder.

L'pool Playing		It was decided to give a donation of
Fields		25 Guineas towards this Fund.

Benefit			Secy. reported that the Management Comme.
		of League had sanctioned payment of Benefit
		of £650 to A. E. Virr.

Players to Watch	Mr. E. Green to watch	Bicknell (Chesterfield)
			"   J. Fare	do	Barkass (Bradford City)
			"   J. McGill	do	Burgess (Stockport C.)
			"   J. Elliott	do	Bryan (Planters)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6 p.m.

						Confirmed as Correct

							W. C. Cuff