[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Tuesday 8th October 1929] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. A. Coffey. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on the 30th ult. & 3rd inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported. Net gate L'pool v Cumberland £14.2.2 Gate v Arsenal £2932.9.9 Tax £471.19.11 20% £351.0.0 1% £24.0.7 Gate v Whiston 5/- do v Blackpool (L.C.) £116.14.2 Tax & Exs. £37.1.0 Lancs F.A. 20% £15.18.8 each club £31.17.3 Wigan Boro F.C. balce. of fee re Jones £25.0.0 Portsmouth F.C. 20% £159.9.9 Sunderland F.C. do £145.9.2 Bank Balance £1581.2.4 Cr. Cheque were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise Tax £472.13.0 Arsenal F.C. 20% £351.0.0 Football League 1 1% £24.0.7 Blackpool F.C. ½ Gate & Exs. £36.9.3 Lancashire F.A. 20% £15.18.8 T. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £330. 0.0 L'pool City Police Services £18.15.0 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Arsenal 1-1, Blackpool 1-1, Aston Villa Res. 6-5 & Whiston 2-4. Lancs. Cup 2nd Rd. Secy. reported that he had arranged to replay this tie v Blackpool on Monday 14th inst. & same was confirmed.