[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Wednesday 7th August 1929] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on the 11th June & 1st inst. were read & confirmed. Bank Balance This was reported to be £3034.6.10 Dr. Captain H. Hart was appointed Capt. & & Sub Captain W. R. Dean Sub Capt. for the forthcoming Season. Reports re Players Mr. J. Weir's reports on Scottish Juniors were read. Donation It was agreed to grant a donation of £2.2.0 to the Kirkdale F. C. Mountsorrell F. C. Secy. action in informing the Club that we were not prepared to subsidise them was confirmed. City Caterers Letter read from this firm that they were prepared to pay £100 rent for next Season. Accrued Benefits Secy. reported that Hardy had been transferred to Bury F. C. at a fee of £400 with a further £100 if he played 14 1st team matches & Meston to Tranmere Rovers for £350. These transactions were confirmed and it was decided to apply to the League for permission to pay them accrued benefits of £100 & £50 respectively. Southend United An application from this Club for a FC rebate of £25 in fee for E. Jones' transfer was not entertained.